Tips For Yachting With Young Children

Do you want to plan big trips and travel a lot with your family? Learn how you can make the most of traveling and have successful trips.

Tips For Yachting With Young Children

25 August 2016
 Categories: Travel, Articles

Sailing through tropical waters with your loved ones sounds like a dream come true – that is until you realize one of your passengers will be an unruly toddler or preschooler. Taking your child on a yachting adventure is a great way to share your passion for boating or introduce them to new people and experiences. However, without careful planning and the right supplies, your luxurious getaway can turn into a tantrum-filled nightmare. Don't get stuck out at sea with a bored, frustrated child; instead, here are a few tips to help you peacefully enjoy the boat with your toddler or preschooler:

Pack Carefully

When it comes to enjoying your yacht adventure with your kids, the best defense is to pack for every eventuality. Because you'll be on the water for long stretches of time, chances are your child will become frustrated and confused, especially if they fall out of their regular routine. Here are a few tips to help you pack for your journey:

  1. Pack plenty of the basics – You're going to be on the water for long stretches of time, so it is vital that you pack plenty of essential items. This could include diapers, baby wipes, several changes of clothing and comfortable shoes for exploring.
  2. Bring along comfort items from home – Traveling by yacht is very luxurious, but this doesn't mean your child won't get a little homesick. Packing your little one's favorite teddy bear, blanket or a photograph of their dog is a great way to keep them connected to home.
  3. Keep your little one entertained at sea – Your toddler or preschooler will become bored with the same old toys and games very quickly, which is why you should always pack several options. Travel-sized games, small toys, crayons and paper are great ways to keep your kids occupied for hours. A portable DVD player and a few of your child's favorite movies is another great option.
  4. Don't forget the snacks – Finally, make sure to bring some of your child's favorite healthy snacks along. Avoid sweets because they might upset your child's stomach.

Safety First

It's vital to keep your kids engaged and happy while traveling, but it's even more important they remain safe and secure. Begin by purchasing your child the appropriate-sized lifejacket. They won't need to wear them all the time on the yacht, but when you're traveling to shore, it is vital your child is protected by a properly-fitting lifejacket.

Teach your toddler or preschooler a few basic safety rules. This includes no running on the deck and keeping their feet and hands on the boat at all times. If you have an older child, consider enrolling them in a boating safety course.

Finally, before you leave for your trip, take your toddler or preschooler to a few swimming lessons. Even if they don't become experts, the instructor can teach them a few simple techniques that can keep them safe in the event of an accident.

Dealing with Motion Sickness

Kids and motion sickness go hand-in-hand, and there is a good chance you will be dealing with this common ailment at some point. Speak with your doctor about any options available to treat motion sickness. For example, your doctor might recommend an over-the-counter remedy. Use this remedy as directed as a preventative measure.

If your toddler or preschooler begins to feel queasy, ChildrenMD provides several suggestions to help your little one feel better. For example, deep breathing, closing their eyes and lying down are three simple ways your child can combat nausea.

Going on a yachting adventure with your toddler or preschooler can be exhausting and frustrating – but it doesn't have to be. With a little preparation and plenty of games, you can help guarantee your first yacht rental experience as a family is a memorable one. 

About Me
Traveling More Successfully

After scraping by for about 20 years financially, I realized that I finally had enough money to do something fun with my life. I decided to let go of some of my worries, be a little irresponsible, and spend some cash on a nice vacation for my family. We booked a trip to Hawaii, and it was so much fun to kick back, relax, and enjoy one another's company during the time away from school and work. This blog is all about traveling more successful with a family, and knowing how to keep your children safe from harm on the road.